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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Re: workability of Goff's design

I'm just getting around to the week's e-mail again, so this is a bit stale. I went and got a dang job, and it's interfering with my readings... Think back a few days:

At 1031 -0600 03/26/0, Captain Nemo wrote:
> ....  over a Labor Day Weekend, Harper made a model which
>was about 90% like what we see in the movie.  He argued that, because the
>NAUTILUS was built from rough-hewn plates salvaged from ships, and without
>benefit of drop forges and other sophisticated metal-forming machinery, Nemo
>would probably have opted for a hand-wrought design, built from flat plates
>riveted together, as was the method of the times. ....

Wow. I wasn't aware of that aspect of the design. It makes a lot of sense; I hadn't really much considered the actual construction process Nemo and his boys must've gone through. Very interesting to imagine, though. It gives it a whole other level of character -- thinking of them making it out of salvaged parts. Even more "P-Sub"ish, really. Think: it was a one-off by determined amateurs working on their own, rather than something out of a shipyard with abundant resources...

Thanks for all the very interesting detail.

>> I guess it *is* sort of tubby, but it's just always seemed to REAL to me.
>[Maybe this is a bit of an optical illusion.  Seen from the side, the keel
>makes her look fatter than she really is.  Head on, she's not too bad ....

Is there already a picture on the web of her straight-on, up on the trailer? If not, I'd love to see one. I was looking a bit at some of the various "Nautilus" sites, and I don't recall seeing many/any pictures taken from direct fore/aft angles.

> .... After operating mine as a manned submarine, I'm of the
>opinion that the Goff Disney design is a pretty good blend of show and go.
>She looks outrageous, and actually she's pretty stable and straightforward
>in the water.  .....

This is good to hear, for my "suspension of disbelief" department.

Also -- Ray said:
>Ok. So it read more of my mail and looked at the site
>http://home.att.net/~karen.crisafulli/nautilus.html. I do not believe I
>could do any better. In fact probably not even close.   ....

I know. I looked too, and some of those designs are just amazingly beautiful. Even more exciting, in some ways, than the Disney one.

Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner