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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Christ on a Crutch, was Re: Nautilus competition

(couldn't resist the vernacular, re: Sodom and Gomorrah, re: Jesus H.... Eric Cartman says "Jesus Tapdancing Christ, which makes me giggle with glee...)

At 0238 -0600 03/26/0, Captain Nemo wrote:
>I've seen some
>Verne-purists deride the Goff design.  I still think it's kinda cool
>looking, though.]

Oh, do you? ;-)

>There you will see many examples of the NAUTILUS based on Verne's
>descriptions, as envisioned by modelers, designers, and illustrators.  Check
>it out!]

Ooo, I'll take a look at that. Thanks for the tip.

Seriously -- is there any reason the more "Victorian-looking" Goff design for Nautilus ISN'T a practical arrangement for a sub? I mean, other than its un-hydrodynamic bumpiness? 

I guess it *is* sort of tubby, but it's just always seemed to REAL to me. That could just be familiarity -- after all the Enterprise still looks like a believable arrangement for a starship to me, even though I can't figure out what the impulse thrusters are doing so far away from any sensible location...

I guess I could've forgotten if you've mentioned this previously, Pat -- but did you do anything about the little corscrew-looking extra propeller-thingy on the Nautilus' underside? I've wondered periodically what that might be good for.

Osage MN USA
buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner