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[PSUBS-MAILIST] Nautilus competition was Re: A bit of a stretch

David Buchner schrieb:
> This isn't strictly on-topic in a technological sense, but it's a topic close to all our hearts, I think. A friend pointed it out to me. The website below has picked Jules Verne as its "hero of the day." Actually, I suppose by the time most of you read this they'll have a new "hero of the day" and you'll have to look it up under "Previous Heroes of the Day."
> Anyway, they make some sorta interesting reflections on Verne's place in literature, the place of fantastic technology in the thinking of the time, and there's a couple of links to Verne-related stuff.
> But here's the thing: these folks have the amazing NERVE to take sides AGAINST Goff's lovely design! Imagine that! I was so shocked I just had to tell somebody!
> >The machines of Jules Verne are grand, beautiful and functional. The submarine Nautilus is not the
> >fish-shaped contraption designed for the Disney film-it is a simple streamlined cylinder tapering to >points at bow and stern.

Hi David, I made some years ago a reconstrution from Jules Vernes
directly from Jules Vernes
book description. I did a drawing and remember that the submarine in his
discription looks like a 
modern Seawolf Attack submarine. I lost the drawing later..

We can start a competition here - every of us - how like - should made
his own drawing based on his version
of the book - do not look at the illustrations - they are wrong.. -  

Pat ? Would you like to make the judge ? 
You have allready made your drawings - and you have the most expirence
with the book.  

Ray - would you like to display the most best say 3-5 drawings on a
Jules Verne remember page ?

First layout of competition rules : 

1.) We have to find a date were all drawings should be at Rays server -
    say for example in 7 days. (Sunday 4.of April)

2.) All kind of drawings, pictures or renderings should be okay - but it
has to be a man
    on the drawing - so that everybody including non-technicans can see
the size.

3.) Format has to be converted to .JPG  (I will help to convert .DXF
.DWG or some other formats) 

4.) First price is ..??

Maybe its fun  - Carsten

> http://www.dailyobjectivist.com/.
> --
> David
> Osage MN USA
> buchner@wcta.net - http://customer.wcta.net/buchner