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Re: Viewports gobbed on with silicon*E*

Okay, guys.

I'm thinking of taking off my pants, and wading out till the water comes up to my navel. Is that okay with you?

Seriously, though -- ACK! I hadn't thought of that. Okay, maybe I'll drill a few holes and put in screws with big fender washers. I can't imagine there being more than about 18 inches of depth difference between the bottom of the drum and the top where the viewport is. I had that written down somewhere, but what is the pressure increase with depth? Silicone is seriously sticky, you guys. I can press hard on the window from the inside and it stays put. Surely the pressure is not going to be even that much?

Oh, and it's spelled "silicone." I think silicon might just fall on the floor in a little gritty pile.

Have a dry day.

Osage MN USA