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Motors for sale! - Specs

Here are some more specs on the motors:

5hp motor: 4 1/2" dia x 8 1/4"long, 14 lbs, shaft size is 3/4" dia x 1" long 
with a threaded hole and a keyway, it draws 11 amps under full load, 3400 
rpm, it has no fan or holes in the outer casing, no heat sinks so it cools 
by conduction I guess, no mounting apparatus

14hp motor: 4 1/2" dia x 12 1/4" long, 33 lbs, shaft size is 7/8" dia x 1 
1/2" long with keyway but no hole, I haven't had it tested for amps and rpm 
yet, it has holes at each end and an internal fan to blow the air through 
it, comes with a bracket bolted onto it

All motors run excellent with smooth, tight, replaceable bearings.  I live 
in Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada.  I'm sorry but I don't know how to 
tell whether they are series wound or permanent mag.  I got in contact with 
a electric motor company here and the small ones are close to $800.00 each 
and the large one is over $1,000.00 canadian dollars.  Now no one is going 
to be crazy enough to pay that much for a motor and I got 10 replies by 
interested buyers so I think I'll just take offers.  And yes I will sell 
them separately.

                                 Steve McColman, Vancouver Island

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