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Re: Viewports gobbed on with silicon

>.... if the view port does not fall off while you are hauling it to the 
>water, it will surely pop out from the air pressure inside.  

Aha! No pressure!

>If the viewport were placed inside, it would probably work. 

Hey, *you* crawl in there with a hot floppy piece of plastic!

In response to the other reply -- about running out of oxygen pretty quickly. How quickly do you think? The guy who built that "L" shaped 1-man sub out of two chunks of a propane tank -- the one at the "Skunkworks" web site -- claimed he could spend an hour in there. If the air starts to get iffy, I can just step off and walk to shore anyway. Seriously you guys, if I told you I slept with the blankets over my head, would you start worrying I was going to die?

[time passes...]

Okay, I just did an experiment. I stuck my head in a plastic grocery bag and duct-taped it around my neck. I must've been in there for five minutes before I started to feel a bit dizzy and claustrophobic. I have too much stuccoing-prep to do to spend much time on this right now anyway. There's plenty of time for you to talk me out of it before I get to a lake. 

Osage MN USA