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Re: Viewports gobbed on with silicon

In a message dated 8/9/99 10:55:41 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
paul_suds@hotmail.com writes:

<< Why would the air pressure inside the "Dew Bell" force the viewport off? 
 Isn't the pressure equal?? Hmmmm....ambient pressure. >>

This is an interesting point, which seems obvious to me but maybe I'm wrong.  
Let me just cast my thoughts out there and see if I can make myself clear....

And ambient sub isn't much different than an inverted glass held underwater.  
Water doesn't enter the glass because the air can't get out, so the water 
can't get in.  The air floats on top of the water, confined by the glass...

But the air in the glass is pressurized to the deepest point of the air/water 
interface.  Thus, the air pressure at the highest point in the glass is equal 
to the water pressure in the deepest point of the air in the glass.   So, the 
internal air pressure will exceed the external water pressure at any point 
above the air/water interface.  The higher you go in the column, the greater 
the pressure difference.

Is my explanation clear enough?  And more importantly, am I correct?
