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Re: Nonunderwater mail-reading maintenance technical question

>subjects. This has me wondering. Most of you are probably using Microsoft
software, statistically speaking. >Does it do anything like this? Or are you
looking at what I'm looking at -- a long listing of messages with random
>subjects in no particular order? It would sure make more sense to read (or
skip) all the day's messages in a >given thread, in order, before going on
to the next one

Microsoft's Outlook Express has the ability to organize messages by any of
the following: recieved time, recieved from, subject, size, priority, etc.
You may also organize by thread as you suggest. Alternatively, you can
choose to organize by thread in boxes other than your inbox. It has a great
advanced filter that you can use to do almost anything. It can even choose
not to download messages from the ISP mailserver (for those in Germany). It
is available in different languages (German?). The best part? It is free.

Go here for more info.

No I don't work for Microsloth. This just happens to be the program I use
for mail and news.