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Viewports gobbed on with silicon

In a message dated 8/8/99 10:53:56 PM EST, buchner@wcta.net writes:

>  I now have a lovely molded acrylic viewport on a plastic 55-gallon white 
> citrus-fresh Mountain Dew Flavoring drum. It fit so snugly that I dispensed 
> altogether with drilling holes and bolting it, and just gobbed it on with 
> clear silicone. I left plenty of overlap of the square plastic over the 
> hole, so it's really glued on there good.

Silicon does not adhere to acrylic.  Silicone does make a dandy seal though.  
However, if the view port does not fall off while you are hauling it to the 
water, it will surely pop out from the air pressure inside.  If the viewport 
were placed inside, it
would probably work. 

 Are plastic 55-gallon white citrus-fresh Mountain Dew Flavoring drums an 
approved material?

Let us know how the dive goes.  

Sounds like fun.

David I