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Re: Capt. George Kittredge's Sub Plan

Hi all,
I just knew something must of hit the fan when my e-mail t went from 0 to
20 e-mails a day from the P-sub group.
All this mail reminds me of  reruns of this winter, back when I and a few
others learned our lessons of  how NOT to get along in the group. I was
going to stay totally silent on this one but now that every one is jumping
in, I would feel left out if I didn't speak up. First of all, from all I
know about Charlie I really don't think he is a bad guy or a jerk. I think
he is one of the few in the group that has the drive and resources to
actually build a sub. He is more likely to actually get the job done way
before the group is done talking about plans, copyrights, dead horsies and
forks. I told him about this group because I thought he might learn
something about subs here, I know I did. I'm sure that his first impression
of this group has suffered a bit due to all the negative e-mail lately. Yes
I agree with being honest in all things, even sub plans. But before anyone
else jumps on him I suggest that they check there own computer for
copyrighted software that they didn't buy. Got any copied music or videos
at all? Also when you are going down the road in your car, are you always
following the speed limit laws. I would almost bet that there are not many
of us that can pass all these test. If you can then contact me.
I haven't seen much useful sub info other than the hull calculator in a
long time. When I joined P-subs I had hoped we would be talking more about
how to get into the water in a sub.  But lately it is the group e-mail that
is getting all wet.

Have fun everybody and keep smiling. :-) I am!
More comments mixed in below.

Cody Monroe wrote:

> Hello list,
> Just a lurker, but give poor Charlie a break.  Charlie, don't purchase
> anything.  Just reverse engineer your whole damn sub from the "best" of
> all current ABS designs, draft up the "Charlie Sub Plans" with some of
> your own ideas, copyright your unique design with your letterhead on
> the drawing and your signature in the "designer block" and thumb your
> nose at the world.

 Good idea. Charlie could do it, then they will be buying plans from him!

> Go for it Charlie, you have my vote.

That makes 2 votes for Charlie.

> ..........  My wife and
> daughter must be felons for making several dresses for our high
> school's cheer leaders from one copyrighted dress pattern, and didn't
> some big boat company, Carolina Skiff, Boston Whaler or some other big
> NYSE company purchase one "sample" of a lttle known company's flats
> boat and then did the old "splash mold" knockoff trick only an inch or
> two shorter?

Good points, but two wrongs don't make a right.