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Re: Sub Plans

----- Original Message -----
From: Charles <dkanarr@bellatlantic.net>
To: <personal_submersibles@psubs.org>
Sent: Sunday, June 27, 1999 4:31 PM
Subject: Re: Sub Plans

> Gregory:
> >Now, if you could find another P-Subber in your area to build
> > the sub with you ( and split the cost ), That is a different story...
> Tell me how it would be another story, it the same thing.
> Charlie

Jeepers Charlie - I guess by all of the responses, this is becoming a Dead
Horse issue.  My point, for what it is worth, is that I am planning on
building a sub ( one single sub ) to share with one of my friends.  I was
only suggesting that if you could find someone else from the group to share
the sub with, then the two of you could split the cost of the plans and
build one boat.  For gosh sakes, how long/often can a single person sit at
the bottom of the lake or ocean unless it is their career?

As for all of the other stuff, I think the group was just being protective
of one of the pioneers of P-Subbing.  No one is out to get you...you asked
an innocent question and got your response from the group.
Again, the e-mail medium makes it difficult to judge tone in the content of
a letter.
No harm, no foul..you asked a question and got a response...
Now lets get back to more important business...like where DID I put my fork?

Sincerely,  Greg