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Construction and Design References?

Greetings all! I've been lurking for awhile just to get the flavor of this
group. It seems to be a decidedly zany flavor, indeed! My question(s)
regard basic information sources. Here in the middle of the country, the
libraries are rather short on pertinent material! What would be your
recommendations for references for the following types of information?

1. Basic/beginning submarine and/or submersible design.
   a. Theory and design of hull penetrations
   b. Practical application of ballast, trim, etc.
   c. Window/port design and fabrication

2. Information specific to subsystem design.
   a. Propulsion
   b. Batteries
   c. Control systems
   d. Environmental systems

3. Lots of other stuff that I left out!

If there is a FAQ for this, I couldn't find it. Thanks for any suggestions
that you might have! (Maybe it SHOULD be a faq!?)

Steve B.