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archives or catacombs

Now if you had gone down (dive) in the Bond Sub that would count for something I guess.
And to reply to the other recent mail about this being a Zany bunch, any idea what that was about? :-)
If you read back about 4 months then you will catch on to some of the stupid or zany sub stuff.
Yea there is some good stuff in the archives, err, maybe we should start calling them the catacombs, what with all the dead horsies and so on. If you can stand to wade through them you can find many good sources of serious design info. We don't go into exactly how to do something that is up to you. We usually just argue about why some idea won't work. Well it seem to go like that. Just my opinion though.

VBra676539@aol.com wrote:

In a message dated 5/27/99 1:28:31 PM, shawl@torchlake.com writes:

<<> Hey, I get Access Forbidden messages! What's with that?
> What's the sub, Mike?  Something old? Something new?  I don't know why but I
> can't get there from here.
> Vance

Try it again Vance, it's working for me this morning.

I think that it would be cool to own something famous like that. But at the
price of  260,000 pop and beer cans,
(figured at the MI 10 cent deposit rate). I think we might all be droned
we even get the chance to bid on it. Glug, glug, glug...only 259,999 to go.
Isn't there a song for this?
PS. I only drink pop (soda to ya southern folk. Right Gary?) so it's going to
take a while! :-)
Jon S


Got it that time.  Looks more like 26 thou on my screen.  Perry Shark Hunter.
 I thought it was out at Lee Stocking Island in the Exumas.  Maybe they built
more than one but most of that was going on while I was in Europe.  Built
Reef Hunters in Riviera Beach and the Lotus in North Palm--and I think they
may have sold some of these Shark Hunters to the Navy SEALs.  Nice rig.  Got
an aluminum battery pod low and aft and a motor can above it.  Never dove in
one, but I HAVE leaned on one shooting the breeze in the shop.  Does that
count for anything?
