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Re: Sub for sale on eBay!!!

protek@shreve.net wrote:

> No, Jon.
>     We Southern boys call everything a Coke.  "You want a Coke?"  "Let me
> buy you a Coke?"  "Lets go out and get a Coke."  When it comes time to
> actually buy a "Coke", we buy Diet Coke, Pepsi (Not too many Southerners
> prefer Pepsi that I know of), Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Orange Drink, etc, etc.
> But before we actually push the button on the machine all of them are just
> "Coke."  If anyone calls it a Pop or Soda they will get a very very strange
> look.  Usually when this happens, thats the end of the friendly chat "Over
> a Coke."
>     That wet sub in the photo looks easy to build.  I think someone could
> build it for far less than 260,000 "Coke" cans.  BTW, that is a very large
> deposit on cans, 10 cents!  We just throw them out the window.  They hardly
> hit the ground before some other Southern aluminum scrap collector picks
> them up and puts them in the back of their Lincoln.
> Gary B.

Hey Gary,
You just gave me a great idea! If pop-sicle sticks work so well, what about
pop-cans (err, Coke cans). Just glue a bunch of them together and wa-la you have a
pop-can sub! Why not subs, they make everything else out of pop-cans. And it would
take far less than 260,000 cans to do it. Or a lot less than the 1.5 zillion
pop-sicle sticks that would be required. If you want to make a deep diving model
just use full cans that are just like a double wall pressure reinforced hull! This
also cut's down on the amount of lead required to submerge the hull. Another way
to save money on this type of construction is to take a drive south and just pick
up the free cans along the road. Note to us Yankees, If you see a Lincoln
following you around, just throw a few cans out the window to get him of your
What to yaw think Gary. Run it by your engineering class and see if it will work.
Having fun :-)
Jon S