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Re: Sub for sale on eBay!!!

On Thu, 27 May 1999 protek@shreve.net wrote:

>    We Southern boys call everything a Coke.  "You want a Coke?"  "Let me
>buy you a Coke?"  "Lets go out and get a Coke."  When it comes time to
>actually buy a "Coke", we buy Diet Coke, Pepsi (Not too many Southerners
>prefer Pepsi that I know of), Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Orange Drink, etc, etc.
>But before we actually push the button on the machine all of them are just
>"Coke."  If anyone calls it a Pop or Soda they will get a very very strange
>look.  Usually when this happens, thats the end of the friendly chat "Over
>a Coke."

	This paragraph is highly disturbing. It is so very disturbing
because my experience growing up in New York City was identical to the
Great Cola Ambiguity described above. If elements of Southern and
Manhattanite culture are beginning to agree, truly we are in the end days. 

	Of course, we city dwellers -had- to have thought of it first. :)

						Apocalyptically yours,


John Brownlee
Lunar and Planetary Lab
University of Arizona
jonnie @ lpl . arizona . edu