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rusty tanks (was: Trojan)

When you say "soft" tanks, it gets me thinking of balloons or innertubes or
something, which makes me think of those bladders inside household
captive-air pressure tanks -- those households which have their own wells,
that is. Anyway, it's a steel tank with a heavy rubbery bag inside. I
haven't thought it out very far, so I don't know just how... but I'm
wondering if there's some way such a replaceable liner could be used to
deal with the rustiness in the dark insides of ballast tanks. By unscrewing
a small port at one end it was attached to, one could inspect or swap
liners as often as one liked. The tank itself could be pretty crude, but
the inside of the liner would be fresh and clean.

Gary said this:
>   There are two things however that I would have done differently with
>Harold's.  First the windows.  Second, his saddle bag ballast tanks were
>sheet steel formed and welded in place onto the 1/4 inch hull itself.
>There is no rust protection inside his tanks and no real way to install it.
> I tried to talk him into an access door into these "soft" tanks for
>inspection and coating but he has not done this.  He did tell me that rust
>is ejected out of the tanks on each blow.  I have access doors on my soft
>tanks.  It is a genuine pain to get to them but they are there.

Osage MN USA