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Re: Trojan (virus)

In a message dated 5/4/99 1:48:49 AM, protek@shreve.net writes:

<<In general there are some things that I would have
done differently, but there were some things I wish I had done like Harold
did when I designed my boat.>>

	Tx for the warning--I don't think I had any trouble with the 
virus--and prison's too good for 'em in my view.  I'll agree with your 
sentiment about wishing you'd done things differently.  Seems like there are 
lots of good ideas out there.
	Interesting variations on the sub you described.  Internal ribs?  I 
don't much care for the lexan viewports--at least no one talks nice about 
them, and I know that lexan is oil soluble to some extent.  Apparently oil 
reduces the outer layer strength which changes the capabilities of the 
material .... something like that, anyway.  What sort of dive planes does he 
have?  The Perrys used a pair of bow planes of something like a square foot 
each and in neutral trim they worked quite nicely above half a knot or so.  
The Nektons use a single plexi plane that must be in the neighborhood of 3 
square feet and will bump your little head if you aren't careful at speed.  
Same with mine.  Swoops up off the bottom sweet as pie.
	Thanks again for the diversion with the virus.  And that'll be quite 
enough of that young man, as my sainted grandmother was wont to say.