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Trojan (virus)


    I do hope that nobody executed the happy99.exe trojan attached to my
email today.  I am extremely sorry, but did not know it had attached itself
to my post.  I NEVER execute a .EXE file of any kind that I do not feel
comes from a reliable source.  However, Friday night, by accident, I did
launch the happy99.exe program.  When I saw it execute and generate the
fireworks the first thing I thought of was virus!  Saturday, I got McAfee
virus protection software and scanned every file in the system two times to
make sure I did not miss anything.  Nothing!  After that I felt confident
that it was OK.  I did not know the charactoristics of this virus, nor did
I know that it had installed itself until I got the feedback from the psubs
group tonight when I came in from work.  I sent 4 emails with the _____
thing attached!  I have contacted each person.  Once again, I am sorry and
hope nobody got infected.  If you did get infected view the Email by Dick
Morrison to get the clean up fix.
    I wish that everyone that creates a virus, trojan, or worm could enjoy
the comforts of a federal prison for about 30 years!!  My origional post
was a reply to Vance about the sub Intrepid located in Longview, Texas.  I
have posted it again below.


    Yes, I can donate some more information on the Intrepid.  It was built
by Harold LeTourneau from Longview, Texas.  Harold is a relative of R. G.
LeTourneau who in the 1930's became very wealthy with his inventions
including an electric driven road grader.  He took some of his fortune and
founded LeTourneau College in Longview, an engineering school.  The whole
family seems to be engineers.  Not all have engineering degrees but they
all seem to have a considerable knowledge of the art.  Harold has his own
engineering firm.  I have visited and it is impressive.
    Harold contacted me when the local TV station ran an article on my sub.
 He helped me launch my sub for the first test.  He laughed at the thought
that as few personal subs that there are we have two of them 50 miles
apart.  Longview is about an hour drive from Shreveport.
    The Intrepid is a two-person sub with a lot of windows.  The hull
thickness is 0.25 inches and has saddle bag type ballast soft tanks on each
side.  Batteries are carried in pods on each side.  They are 6 volt golf
cart batteries with no Hydrocaps at present.  The windows are 0.5 inch
Lexan and have a fairly large unsupported diameter.  The ascent-decent is
done with a central tank with a 12-volt gear pump that pumps water in and
out.  It has dive planes but Harold said that they are useless because of
the slow forward velocity.  Thrust is vectored via hydraulic cylinder that
is in-turn driven by a motor gear-system inside the hull.  Thus all
steering is done electrically.  The hatch seal is a single O-ring groove.
I think the O-ring is 3/16 inch in diameter.  He has a small viewport on
the hatch.  I like this feature!  He has made over 100 dives and has taken
the boat down to 100 feet.  He has external lighting that he designed using
test tubes filled with halogen bulbs; strange but it works well for him.
He uses an external flux-gate compass.  
    He does good work.  In general there are some things that I would have
done differently, but there were some things I wish I had done like Harold
did when I designed my boat.  Harold has, to my knowledge, not taken his
boat out in about 2 years.  If you have any other questions I may have some
more answers on the Intrepid but just can not think of anything else
important right now.

Gary Boucher

At 04:34 AM 5/3/99 EDT, you wrote:
>This to Gary Boucher,
>	Any chance of some more info on your friend's sub?  Intrepid, I mean. 
> It looks sort of familiar in the conning tower area, like a Nekton, of 
>course.  But, and like the man said, but me no buts, that guard rail and 
>those side tanks don't look familiar.  Do you know what the genesis of this 
>thing was.  How big?  Deep?  Passengers?  Come on Gary, cough it up.  Please.