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OOPS, non technical note.

OOPS, I make one (or 2) little comment about beer and saving money and look where it
goes.  Sorry.
Now Ray will have to add another discussion group for all the sub/beer related e-mail.
I can see it now. The next thing on TV will be a Bud light frog in a sub looking for a
lost ship full of beer as the frog sonar pings
out........BUD....bud..........BUD....bud..........BUD light!       :-)

Take it from here Rick.

Rick Lucertini wrote:

> Erik Michael Muller wrote:
> [snip]
> > maybe the beer-holding hand could be employed also to cook the bbq?, i mean,
> > while youre out in the sun with a beer, hey, why not.  Maybe the welding
> > torch could serve as an excellent mini-bbq.
> Speaking of hull work, maybe the BBQ torch could be set on top of the conning tower.
> That would set up a nice convection current down below that could help ventilate all
> those volatile paint fumes.
> Hmmm . . .  talk about a well-head fire.  Maybe we could reserve the fire
> extinguisher for shop work.
> --
> Rick Lucertini
> empiricus@sprint.ca
> (Vancouver, Canada)
> ________________________
> "Outside of a dog books are a man's best friend -
> Inside of a dog there isn't enough light to read."
>    Groucho Marx