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Re: On board fires

At 2112 -0700 04/29/99, Rick Lucertini wrote:
>I like the reference in Vance's post about the psychology of neat wiring.
>As pointed out, it does go beyond psych.  In conventional boating, neat
>wiring -
>bundles, colour coded tie wraps, etc. - serve to not only avoid
>cross-overs, etc.,
>but, also, create the impression to technicians doing follow-up repairs and
>maintenance that THIS boat in particular demands extra attention.

Every time I wire something, I end up doing something weird. Inevitably,
when I have to re-do it 5 years later, it makes no sense at all to me.

Somebody told me to use mechanical connections (crimp-things, or screw
terminals) because soldered joints could melt apart in a Bad Situation. I
cover both requirements, by using the cute connectors and then soldering
the heck out them too.

Osage MN USA