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Re: Propane tanks

    I had both ends open, prior to welding the end caps on.  I put a fan at
one end pulling the fumes out away from me.  It really wasn't  bad at all
with two open ends, and the paint looks much better than if I had brushed
it.  I did paint the two ends inside with a brush once they were welded in
place.  I know people that painted the insides with spray with no open
ends.  One spark and it would have been like what happened to the three
astronauts at the Cape back in the 60's.  Painting with a brush is safer
unless you are using some kind of non-flamable paint.


At 01:30 PM 4/12/99 -0700, you wrote:
>>     I sprayed epoxy paint on the inside of my sub.  However, spraying
>> inside an enclosed chamber is very tricky.  If you us any form of flamable
>> vehicle you run a strong risk of fire or explosion from the large about of
>> spray in the enclosed air volume.  ........
>Why not just paint with a brush? No medium to carry the paint with. I know
>it takes longer with brush and maybe not as nice a finish but is it safer?