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Re: Propane tanks

Michael B Holt wrote:

> What does one need to do to make the tank safe and/or clean enough to use
> as an inhabitable place?    Anything or nothing?
> Somewhere I read about (several) oil tanks used a pressure hulls.
> Apparently, they retain enough of the oil to be dangerous to humans,
> somehow.
> Any details or experience?
> Michael Holt

Hi all,
Yes they need to be cleaned out good, unless you like the smell or want to
get sick.
I think I already outlined how I cleaned out the propane tank I used to build
my sub from. Check the archives? This is just one idea. You could use many
different kinds of solvents to get the worst of it out. I can't recommend any
"best" one. Then wash it out with a grease dissolving detergent and water.
Dry it and sand it, wire brush it, or sandblast it clean then prime it. After
painting the inside of my sub with a oil based metal paint, I have to say it
was a bad choice. Oil paint dries very slow and gives off a odor for over a
year. A friend of mine used an epoxy type paint and did not have as much of a
paint odor problem.
I know, let's ask Phil! Phil, what kind of paint do you use on the inside of
your subs? How long is the drying time before it is safe to occupy? Any body
else got any paint info?