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Re: summer vacation already?

On Mon, 12 Apr 1999 03:13:14 -0400 Jonathan Shawl writes:
>All quiet on the P-sub e-mail front?

It's quiet everywhere in my world except on the British canals list.

>Could it be, due to the nice spring weather some of are having, that 
>everyone is out working on or using their subs?

Remember that this is the time to get pregnant so that babies will be
born around the first of the year: that will explain why some of them
aren't posting.

>Does it normally get this quiet in here this time of year, or has the
>completely covered and solved all p-sub related subjects? Maybe I'm 
>not on the p-sub list anymore and I'm just missing all the fun? :-)

The list lives, and you're on it!    No one is talking right now.

Perhaps we need to stir up something.   There was an objection to using
a new (and unused) propane tank: why?

Mike Holt

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