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Re: Cost effective submersible design

DaveIrons@aol.com wrote:

> Concrete is a very versatile material.  I've worked on some
> remarkable projects using acrylic, epoxy and steel reinforced
> concrete.  The applications of concrete are still not completely
> explored.

This sounds fascinating.  Any insights you can share with us that could relate to
psubs?  For example, using multidirectional strands of fiber (glass, kevlar, etc.)?

> [snip]        I hear the diving is
> incredible Vancouver.  I am a SCUBA diver.  This is as good
> excuse as any to dive in Vancouver.
> I never realized there was such a concentration of submarine
> builders.

The diving here is some of the best in the world.  We have great wrecks, clear water,
current dives, sea lions, orcas, wolf eels, huge octopus, large kelp beds, and
gargantuan mountains that hang over you when you surface.

Much of our water is sheltered, hence, the location of choice for our sub builders.
We don't have the icebergs that the east coast has, either.  Relatively speaking, our
waters are quite warm and clear.  Our u/w infrastructure is better developed, too.

> There are a few barriers to my project.  The primary barrier is the
> high cost of viewports.
> [snip]         The cost of producing one dome is high, however, the
> cost of producing a hundred domes is considerably cheaper.  I have
> made some suggestions for lowering the cost of manufacturing
> viewports.

Have any of you considered having domes manufactured here in Canada?  The free trade
agreement may allow for the free flow of manufactured domes.  Our dollar is quite
weak compared to yours and that may work to your advantage.

Since I'm not a one-atm. sort of guy (yeah, ok, I like quiche), I'm not up on the
costs of domes, thicknesses, diameters, flange preferences, etc.

If the group is interested, get together on or off the list and determine what your
parameters are.  Email the list group or me privately once you have all decided on
your short list.  I'll do the costing out from my end.  Please, be sure to provide
your requirements in a straightforward table form so that I can quickly fill in the
blanks for you.


Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)