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Re: How catastrophic is catastrophic?

DaveIrons@aol.com wrote:

> >I think I am seeing a dead horsie surfacing in a concrete hulled sub,
> or, no it may be a, yes, a wire mesh electrolysed hull.
> Gary Boucher
> Has this subject been discussed before?  I would be interested in any previous
> discussions.

Previous discussions cover a lot of territory to be sure.  Unfortunately, boredom
sets in for some when a thread goes longer than a few postings or when the subject is
considered useless, irrelevant or ridiculous (a concrete sub?  Let's get back to
"real" sub materials).

This discussion is actually hammering out many of the technical details we need to
design and dive in concrete safely.  I don't think we're approaching the barn quite
yet.    ;-)
Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)