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Re: Cement subs? more to learn

HUNTR2@aol.com wrote:

> I happen to welcome all info I can get....  just to learn!   [snip]
> Seems some on the
> psubs sight don't want to bother with anything but what they know.

Hi, Gene - guess you read the flames, huh?  Concrete has touched many as some sort of
ideal material.  For what it's worth, concrete is here to stay.  Judging from the
responses from the list, concrete is quite "discuss-able".  Let the good times roll.

> [snip]
> It seemed to go over the heads of some of the guys who know more or have built
> subs or perhaps they just saw too many problems to overcome with it.  Just
> wanting to stimulate thought and response and there was some response with
> problems I hadn't thought about.

Stimulating thought and response is a threat to some!  :-)      I, too, doubt that
anyone who's been reading this list for a while will hurt themselves.  In any case,
discussion takes many forms other than the dry teck details.  We certainly need
discussion to cover all the bases including concrete with or without polmers, epoxies
or acrylics.

As you pointed out, you discovered problems that you hadn't thought about.  I was
surprised to discover that re-bar re-enforcement actually WEAKENS a concrete pressure
hull.  I would have assumed the opposite.

I have to wonder how the various aggregates and mixtures affect pressure hulls, as
well.  I'm salivating at the thought of getting the data.


Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)