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Cement subs? more to learn

I happen to welcome all info I can get....  just to learn!   I've seen a
ferrocement boat built before.  Interesting process.    Seems some on the
psubs sight don't want to bother with anything but what they know.   Sure,
cement sub may not be the perfect material for a newbie and everyone is afraid
someone is going to go off and build something by themselves without
engineering support and get killed.   Might happen, but probably not, at least
with anyone tuning in to this web site for any length of time.

I know the thickness of the hull (several inches?) is what gives it it's
ridgidity.   That is what I was trying to express when I talked about a double
hulled steel pressure vessel (remember, with the cardboard like honycomb
between the hulls).  Doesn't mean I'm going to go out and build one this week.
It seemed to go over the heads of some of the guys who know more or have built
subs or perhaps they just saw too many problems to overcome with it.  Just
wanting to stimulate thought and response and there was some response with
problems I hadn't thought about.
Oh well,
I'll read with interest any input and good research and tests that have been
done on concrete subs.  
Gene Seus