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Re: One last time

Paolo Velcich wrote:

> [snip]Gary, nothing personal but...
> Again, you really need to judge everybody else attitude.. and this is wrong.
> .....but there's no reason to be judged and evaluated by you.
> Again, I apologize for my English writing.
> Deep blues
> Paolo Velcich

My observation, (Im not sure if it's worth 2 cents, but here goes.)
It Sounds to me like some are doing to Gary what Paolo is asking Gary not to do to
others. Judging him. I'm guilty also.
One lesson I learned recently from saying the wrong things, is that we will all be
better off not judging each other. We are all different and we won't all see the
same thing the same way. Let's all try to stick to sub building issues not personal
issues. Lets focus on each others strong points and what they can offer, not their
weaknesses. Again I'm sorry I didn't do this more recently myself, but I plan on it
in the future.  One thing we all agree on is the love of subs!
That's all,
Jon Shawl