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Re: One last time

Gary, nothing personal but...

protek@shreve.net wrote:

>   [snip]  As I mentioned, I teach at the university level.  I am at the top of
> the faculty when it comes to teaching evaluations.  I have a pretty
> good understanding of people, their abilities and weaknesses, and
> the learning process in general.  All of this sets the stage for
> restatement of my original point.
>     There is a wide range of talents and abilities on psubs.  I am
> certainly not the final authority on anything here.  But there is also a
> group of people that dream of owning and operating their own sub
> someday.  Many of these people are far far from having the
> knowledge to do so with safety.  I was once in that group myself.  I
> seriously question that (all) of those people in that group can go on
> to build a safe submersible. I also believe that some can.[snip]

I think one problem is due to the "very high" consideration you give to yourself
and to your role. I'm not going to discuss your professional reliability (or is
it authoritativity?) at the University, but here you've a totally different
scenary and your professional attitude is not requested or even opportune.

>  [snip]   If you really knew me, you would not question my willingness to
> venture into areas that have not been well trod by the multitudes,
> such as unusual materials, designs, or methods.  [snip]

Whow... here you ask to not be judget if not better known...or you would be
misjudged... Don't you think it's the same anybody else could say for himself?

> I have never thought of sub design as any form of "Holy Grail" as you
> mentioned
> in a previous post.  There is nothing mysterious, or black magic-like
> about it.  But these people are not ready to build a "Deep Flight".  I
> personally would not want them to try some of the psubs suggested
> materials and practices.[snip]

Again, you really need to judge everybody else attitude.. and this is wrong.

>    [snip] You apparently have many years of experience in material science.
> They don't.  [snip]

"Apparently" ???  Sir... here you tell us you're "at the top of the faculty "
(and we're asked to trust in your words) and you still use a dubitative form on
the real facts. Here I can only see one real thing, Mr. Phil Nuytten already
proved to the world his own expertise in underwater world exploration. He was
the founder of several world famous companies, designed, tested, patented, built
and sold - worldwide - an incredible amount of innovations which really changed
the face to the Off-shore and Underwater exploration. He's still leading and
innovating the same world, his last creature the Exosuit is closer to the space
tools than to the human things, and he also significantly contribuited to the
space technology.
What about you? Did you do anything worth of consideration out of your spasmodic
need to judge the world?

And - finally - even on this "last time" letter, you're still missing the point.
It's not the material, it's the design. If your design is a poor one, it doesn't
care if you build it using the best still or the most exotic composites, it'll
fail because you didn't understand the way it works.

Please, move one step down the stage and start being more cooperative and
helpful. If you learned something about this world, the group will be more than
happy to learn from your experiences, but there's no reason to be judged and
evaluated by you.

Again, I apologize for my English writing.

Deep blues


Paolo Velcich
industrial designer

Viale Tricesimo 5/6
33100 - UDINE - ITALY
Tel. (+39)0348-2611707
e-mail: pavel@mail.nauta.it