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Re: Unmanned test dives (long one sorry!)

Axel Iehle wrote:

> Axel IEHLE
>                 "I want my husband to pay more attention to me.
>                 Do you have any parfume that smells like Psubs mailing list?"

Hi,This is Jon Shawl's wife.  This is a rarity that Jon actually doesn't have
control of the computer.  Seriously, just have patience. If he is anything like
Jon, it kind of goes in waves.  And you have to strike between waves.  If you think
the Psubs mailing list has stolen your husband, just wait til he actually starts
building one.  Then you'll wish it were just the Psubs mailing list again. And then
sometimes, you have to climb inside the sub to get there attention, but that isn't
all bad either.  (Jon says, right Mike? as he is laughing).  There are things that
could be a lot worse than losing your husband to a sub or psub mailing list.  But
use your gifts and he'll come back to you... guaranteed.  After all, we do have two
children, who were born after Jon got interested in subs.  And I did go down in the
.... strike that... And I did go on a dive when I was 7 1/2 months pregnant with
out daughter.  I have learned that nagging doesn't help. Anyway,  must go as we
have to go to a meeting.  (not sub related.)
Jon is groaning, but he'll get over it.

> - Hi Rick, Hi Phil, Hi Gary, Hi Jon (Shawl), Hi Paolo!

Is this list an exclusive club? Should I be proud that Jon is in it, or should I
start worrying now?  Anyway, he say HI!