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Meeting other p-subbers (was: Psubers in So Cal ?)

On Tue, 02 Mar 1999 20:45:15 -0500 Jonathan Shawl writes:
> Stephen V. Buerkle wrote:
>>  I surfed the Net for two or three years
>> looking for info on p-subs before becoming aware of this group.  

>Me too. It took me about 2 years of web searching to find Psubs. I think
>found a link to Psubs on Jon Hylands site when I was searching for ROV 

I tried to start a personal submersibles forum/subboard on local BBSs, in
the late 80s.  No one was interested.

>>  Friends and family have suffered through my interest and
>> discussion of the subject for several years now and I'm just happy to
>> a group of compatriots.
>Your not alone any more. I don't know if it will help with the friend &
>suffering part. My wife said recently that she has lost me to the Psub 

They'll get over the loss when they see the neat toys that are needed to
build a sub.  Well, the guys will, anyway.

>There has even been talk of starting a support group for the wives of 
>the Psubbers. :-) Right Mike?

Yeah, Jon.   It might also be a good way to meet chicks.  I'm not

>> I live just outside Philadelphia, PA and would love to meet with 
>>anyone else within reasonable driving distance to possibly
>> collaborate on a two-man sub. I imagine that there are other 
>>locations where P-subbers may live fairly close to each other
>> and could collaborate or simply share info and that this group could 
>form EAA-like chapters to cultivate this process.

I think the EAA clone is an idea we must consider.    I'm willing to
in both organization and operation of it.  

And, along this same line, are there any psubbers in Virginia?

Does anyone want me to collect names and locations and publish for
the list contact information?  I have the time and the inclination!  I'm

>> Obviously the meeting of minds in cyberspace accomplishes this to a 
>>degree, but there's no substitute for a helping hand
>> when you have a difficult portion of the sub to construct or someone 
>>else to simply share the cost and the operational duties.

Hear, hear!

>> Just a thought.....
>> Best regards - Steve Buerkle.
>A good thought at that! I keep hoping to find others in Michigan. I know
>only 1 other sub builder in MI. He is not on the net, and he is about
1.5 hours
>drive away. I did help him some on his sub. It was the most fun I ever 
>had working for free.

Welcome to the deepest list on the 'Net, Steve!

Jon, what would it take to get the other Michigan builder hooked up to

Michael Holt

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