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Re: Psubers in So Cal ?

 Stephen V. Buerkle wrote:

>  I surfed the Net for two or three years
> looking for info on p-subs before becoming aware of this group.  It's
> amazing how relieving it is to find out that I'm not the ONLY one thinking
> about P-subs.

Me too. It took me about 2 years of web searching to find Psubs. I think I
found a link to Psubs on Jon Hylands site when I was searching for ROV sites.

>  Friends and family have suffered through my interest and
> discussion of the subject for several years now and I'm just happy to find
> a group of compatriots.

Your not alone any more. I don't know if it will help with the friend & family
suffering part. My wife said recently that she has lost me to the Psub group.
There has even been talk of starting a support group for the wives of the
Psubbers. :-) Right Mike?

> I live just outside Philadelphia, PA and would love to meet with anyone else within reasonable driving distance to possibly
> collaborate on a two-man sub. I imagine that there are other locations where P-subbers may live fairly close to each other
> and could collaborate or simply share info and that this group could form EAA-like chapters to cultivate this process.
> Obviously the meeting of minds in cyberspace accomplishes this to a degree, but there's no substitute for a helping hand
> when you have a difficult portion of the sub to construct or someone else to simply share the cost and the operational duties.
> Just a thought.....
> Best regards - Steve Buerkle.
A good thought at that! I keep hoping to find others in Michigan. I know of
only 1 other sub builder in MI. He is not on the net, and he is about 1.5 hours
drive away. I did help him some on his sub. It was the most fun I ever had
working for free.
Jon Shawl.