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Re: Various

In a message dated 3/1/99 10:58:38 PM Eastern Standard Time,
heyred@email.msn.com writes:

> > Sign me up for "All Metric."
>  > Explosive bolts aren't such a bad idea. Spacemen use them because they're
>  very reliable. They can throw a lot of shrapnel, but water is a good
>  projectile absorber. The bigger worry is the shock wave that can buckle an
>  otherwise happy pressure vessel. Still, if they're far enough away from the
>  pressure hull, and the alternative is slow death by asphyxiation, they may
>  be just the ticket. Explosive actuated cutters avoid the difficulties of
>  shrapnel and shock. I haven't the foggiest clue where Regular Guys can buy
>  Explosive bolts or cutters.