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Re: I'll build it....

On Sun, 28 Feb 1999 05:18:55 EST HUNTR2@aol.com writes:
>Thanks for your input..  someday it would be nice to have a  PSub  dive
>in...to meet everyone.  The only problem... you can't fly your sub to a
>in like you can a plane to a fly in! 

No, you can't fly the sub -- though I have a copy of the patent for a
submarine -- but this does bring up another point.

What do you use to transport your sub?   Can a boat trailer, off the
be used with no modifications, or do most of you have trailers built for
the puropose?

I recognzie that the shape of the sub defines the trailer.  But is it a
idea to take a trailer for, say, a Boston Whaler and build supports for
the different shape of the sub, so that the sub fits and floats from a
trailer easy to obtain?

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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