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I'll build it....

Hi Gary and guys...
I'll WILL build a sub... but not with a propane take like I was.... or with
flat double ends like I once considered.   I saw a propane tank sub built up
in Northern ca.  and was Impressed until I learned more.   The sub looked
great and everything seemed to make sense.  He's had it down several times to
50ft.  (the deepest lake in the area).  I know for sure his 1/2" thick acrylic
windows were not annealed properly (not at all).  I'll try to get him to sign
up for the psub site.  Anyway,  I'll probably get the plans from Kittridge and
stick to the plan for all critical stuff.
I do enjoy design did drawings before I found out about Kit's subs.  My
drawings are generally close to his accept for the main ballast tanks and ring
stiffeners which I know nothing about...  I wanted to put long narrow
cylinders along each side (segmented into 3 parts each, for balancing).
I sent a drawing to Ray, but don't know if it is ledgible enough or something
he'd want to put on the site because it's not something anyone would want to
Thanks for your input..  someday it would be nice to have a  PSub  dive
in...to meet everyone.  The only problem... you can't fly your sub to a dive
in like you can a plane to a fly in! 
take care