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Re: The First PSUBs Fatality

Paolo Velcich wrote:

> Rick Lucertini wrote:
> > Wow - and I'm a sensitive Pisces!  March 1st.  You can all wish me a happy 43rd.
> > Like, Totally Rad!
> Best whishes to you Rick, I'm following close with my incoming 40s on march 9th... Pisces
> are well suited for underwater stuff...:-)
> Blue skies and deep blues
> Paolo
> --
> Paolo Velcich
> industrial designer

Gracie, Paolo!

It's interesting that as well as being an Italian pisces, like me, you have an interest in
psubs; and I, like you, am heavily interested in design.  I almost ended up studying science
illustration.  My goal was to illustrate science concepts, astronomy, vehicles, etc.
Ultimately, photography came naturally to me so I concentrated on that for many years.

Strangely enough, I have never been interested in shooting underwater.  Emotionally I had
been a diver since I was 10 years old.  And a photographer about as long.  Underwater
cinematography interested me, though.  I guess it was all those Jacques Cousteau films!

Anyhow, thanks for the wishes and, the same to you!  Welcome to the forties.  It's a GREAT
decade for me!  I hope it will be for you.

Please, if you have the time, let the group know how you became interested in industrial
design and submarines.  Being so far away (from us) I'm always fascinated by the motivations
of others.  Italy has been a major player in the design of submarines and I know they were
very active in the Second World War.

Was this your influence?  Perhaps a family history in the Navy?

By the way, I invite your comments on our very rapidly heating up discussion on submarine

As an industrial designer, an artistic Italian and a psubber, you must have some very
interesting opinions!

Riccardo di Canada (sounds like a fashion line!)

Rick Lucertini
(Vancouver, Canada)

"Most people die with their dreams still inside them."