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Good Points----No Fire

Hi Guys,
I, for one, am listening (to the safety/creativity) discussions and appreciate
the wisdom all sides have to offer.  I've been listening and learning for 18
months and learned early on the difference between discussion of ideas,
theories, and dreams and going out and building on a whim.   Unfortunately,
that has also kept me from doing anything YET, because I know I don't know

There is great value in these recent long winded letters because it draws out
the differences in philosophies, but we are getting some jewels of info there
too.  The cycling materials and pressure effects is something that isn't
talked about much.  It makes it clear to us newbies why it is important to
stay with tested design where critical safety is concerned.  And if we want to
experiment with lexan instead of acrylic windows, for instance, do it with an
external camera housing!

Anyway,  I'm glad this has continued to be a fruitful discussion...    Many
people say, "Never discuss religion or politicss" because it starts arguments.
Well, those issues (like many key issues here) are the only important ones and
SHOULD be the focus of discussion.  If people are mature, not too defensive,
articulate, and can accept that there is more than one point of view on an
issue, then we can all benefit from the lively debates and discussions.  I
just wanted to say all I've seen is a little smoke (no flames) and want you
ALL to keep teaching and sharing.
