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Re: Mega Post for Rick and All

    I appreciate your lack of flame in my comments.  Nothing was even too
warm, at least for a Southern boy.  I feel like what I needed to do here
was done.  I believe that my point is made.  If somebody with limited
skills goes off and builds a sub that will kill, I will be upset and
sadened, but will sleep at night knowing that I tried to direct folks away
from exotic ideas in favor of sound approaches established by people who
are professionals in the field (I'm not talking about me here).  I have
seen a lot of people that think they can weld and can't.  Even a metal
design like the K-250 or whatever can be fatal if the welding is not good.
There are a lot of ways people can get hurt.  I am not sure there are not
some ways that my sub is less than safe, something that I have overlooked.

>(Vancouver, Canada) "Most people die with their dreams still inside them." 
I just hope that nobody dies still inside their dream...

Gary Boucher