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Re: Rick's tube in a tube


Cheers rick

> Wow, Scott, you're a thinker!

Why thank you Rick, should add a bit of buoyancy to my head

> If you slide one cylinder of smaller OD inside of a larger one with a larger ID
> (obviously), and raised the contained volume (between the two cylinders) to a very
> high pressure, would this "pre-stress" the assembly in a positive way (in terms of
> increasing depth rating)?  The outer skin would want to bulge outward (exploding),
> the inner skin inward (imploding).  The skins would be connected with H rings or
> T-rings.  The resultant (deltaP) pressure would net out at zero, but, the potential
> energy would be very high - a bit of a nasty recipe.
> But, I am inquiring more from an academic standpoint.  I suspect the whole thing
> would zero out.

> Wouldn"t that just put the internal tube under heaps of presure. If  the internal tube
> could handle that pressure could you use it as the sub itself. By the way like the
> canoe sub idea with the great vis. What sort of dimensions? And thanks to all for
> feedback. Reference internal pressurization, maybe to prevent the stress of positive
> pressure then negative pressure on your hull, you set a pressure differential switch
> with tube connections to internal and external pressure, set it so that it turns on
> only with a few p.s.i.external pressure, put it in line with another pressure switch
> that turns off at 1.5atm internal, hook that system up to bleed solenoid from the
> compressed  air floatation tanks to internal pressure. You will also need to bleed
> internal to external pressure on the way back up, switched via the differential switch
> if it has double dole switching. Before I gabble on I should say I've got access to
> cheap scrapped industrial machines and equipment. All sorts of sensing devices and
> fully functional electronic joy boxes in them, THROWN OUT!!

Would be very happy, if required, to help with control system problems if needed.

>                                                              CHEERS to all
