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Re: Can I buy A hatch?

<< > Does anyone know where to turn to buy a commercially made hatch?
 > Thanks- greg >>

I don't think these hatches would work very well on a sub but they are
commercially made hatches.  I exchanged some email witha sales rep but these
hatches are really designed for ships not subs.  I got no response from my
questions about the hatches structural integrity.  The webpage is:


Here is some email I exchanged with a sales representative there:

>I am designing a submersible vehicle.  I have had difficulty locating a
>suitable hatch.  I would like to know how much pressure your round Baier
>Hatch could withstand.  Thank you.

our steel 15" x 24"  hatch has been tested to 60 psi with no signs of
leakage. We have not had the round hatches tested. The round design has
always been considered the strongest style. Taking this into account our
testing baseline has always been on the weakest hatch in our line,{the 15"
x 24"}. any questins please give me a call  
1-800-455-3917 Thank you   Tim Bergman