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> SAFETY,  yes, it is a big pain in the backside.
> BUT, can you imagine the restrictions rules and regulations the
> government will put on us sub builders if we go out doing crushed coke
> can impressions.
> By the way hello to all on the psub line. I've (scott cannard, Roxby
> downs, Australia) been gathering infomation on subs for 6 months now.
> This site is without doubt the hottest source of infomation
> yet(including state libraries and asking boat builders dumb questions).
> Like Jon I dont have many bucks to throw at this but it ts turning into
> an obsession. Hopefully with it all preplanned as much as
> possible it should cost heaps less and I won't have a yard full of dud
> first attempts.I learn every day from you all so thanks and  CHEERS to
> all
>         I do have a possible interesting point though. To increase the
> strength of your dry sub, maybe you should look at increaseing the air
> pressure inside. I reckon that if you were to increase internal pressure
> in a ratio to depth you can multiply your hull strength. Of coarse
> concideration must be given to sealed items inside your sub e.g.
> instruments, batteries, t.v. picture tubes maybe, even a can of
> coca-cola, and the bends for the people in it. But if regulated it could
> be a great bonus to crush resistance and view port strength. Anyone got
> any ideas or research on that.
