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Re: Howdy

Hi Scott,

> >         I do have a possible interesting point though. To increase the
> > strength of your dry sub, maybe you should look at increaseing the air
> > pressure inside. I reckon that if you were to increase internal pressure
> > in a ratio to depth you can multiply your hull strength. Of coarse
> > concideration must be given to sealed items inside your sub e.g.
> > instruments, batteries, t.v. picture tubes maybe, even a can of
> > coca-cola, and the bends for the people in it. But if regulated it could
> > be a great bonus to crush resistance and view port strength. Anyone got
> > any ideas or research on that.
> >

Sounds like an ambient pressure design. Much lighter and simpler than a
1atm sub. You can certainly do this in a 1atm sub but you have to deal with
the physiological factors of being in high pressure air. Consult a scuba
diving book for details.
