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Crush depth calculations

Here is a tidbit (website) for those of you who would like to start checking out your designs.  Some details are still missing though, like the height of the ribs.  If you use 2 as the number of ribs and the length of the cylindrical portion of your sub as the space between you should be able to get an idea of the crush depth of a non-ribbed tank.  Remember, crush depth is a long way from where you want to operate!  Almost all manufacturing (and a lot of design) and material flaws will decrease the actual from the theoretical crush depth.  Bumping into things will also start the buckling (crush) process!


Just a note on the use of "Bang" in describing hull failure.  The failure of a flourescent light bulb (tube) is the same as a "crush" failure and it sounds more like a "THOOMP" than a "Bang".

A quote to sign off with.
Steven Wright (visionary):
"A conclusion is where you get tired of thinking!"