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Re: LONG POST: ISBN #'s,Sub Image Mgmt.


Yes, all good ideas. A bit beyond my current web page skills. Teach me and
I'll give it a try.

Another problem is the layout of the web site itself. When we started I just
put everything in one directory. That made it a bit easier to ftp files onto
the site. Now that the site is growing, it is time to start orgainizing it more
logically with a directory structure. 

For now I am just thinking about how to proceed. It will be a big task
that will touch almost all the pages. Plus I am sure while making the changes
I'll make plenty of mistakes. So when I am ready I'll let the group know before
I start and when done. 

Once done I'll ask you to look it over to make sure the site is still
functional as I am sure I will not catch all the mistakes.


> >providing thumbnailed images
> A good suggestion Rick.  Maybe go one step further
> and make the picture pages frame based so you won't
> have to flip through pages each time.  Does the
> thumbs plus software create actual miniature images
> or just redefine the displayed size through HTML
> code attributes?  The latter will not decrease
> download time but the former will.
> Jon