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Re: Materials/parts...


> I assumed you were supposedd to built it yourself.   Are the hulls
> available
> from anyone?  It seems that insurance has ended Kittredge's construction
> work. 

I thought it was more he didn't have interest is mass producing subs. He did
build like 20 or so. Currently he has moved onto different designs.

Also the market for personal submersibles has always been a bit soft; and
Research institutes diffenately don't want a mere 600 foot limit.

He also had some trouble with his city council. His shop is on the shoreline
of an esturary. Some enviromenatlists started giving him grief about 
the possiblity of dropping galvanized nails into the mud. Something about the
zinc leaching off and polluting the enviromnent. When I met him a few years
ago he was very upset about the whole affair.

Best thing would be for you to contact him yourself.
