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Re: Materials/parts...

On Thu, 18 Feb 1999 21:28:05 EST EdwMullin@aol.com writes:
> Today I recieved a package from Kittredge Industries, I was really
>by the design, it seems very straight forward and no nonsense! 

I have the video and the book.  Both very good, but I wish he'd worked
on the video quality.  (I wonder if a local college would make the video
for him 
as a class project?)

> He sells blueprints to build the subs, but where would you get the
>tank that they use for a hull?? 

I assumed you were supposedd to built it yourself.   Are the hulls
from anyone?  It seems that insurance has ended Kittredge's construction

> Before I commit to ordering blueprints I was wondering how
>hard it is to get parts.  Seems that most of them would be available at
>Pumbing/Gas/welding supply house?  Is this on the right track or are 
>there better places?  

I'd like to hear this.   I'm still thinking of buying the complete
Kittredge plans.   
I already have the K-250 wiring and piping plans.

Michael B. Holt
Oregon Hill, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

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