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Re: Hydrophone

Hi Rick!
        Long time no 'talk' to . .yeah, the swimmable ADS "EXOSUIT" was
shown at both DEMA and ADC a few weeks ago. I had just finished the molds
about a week before the show(s) so it was a rush! We pulled a thin-shell
mock-up off the molds and  just got it ready in time . .I haven't pulled an
all-nighter for many years!! 
        You can check it out at our website www.nuytco.com - but I'm not
sure if our webmeister has posted the New Orleans photos yet (she is
supposed to . . .) there is at least a concept drawing that I did a couple
of years ago . . .the Exosuit looks exactly the same. Now that I think of
it , you can search 'Exosuit' and you will get a number of cartoon
'Transformer' type superheros - some of the drawing Very good,( some Very
bad!!)- ( The logo 'EXOSUIT' is trademarked by us in US and Canada and
applied for in other bloc countries) But there is at least one good photo
of the New Orleans show featuring the Exosuit ( search Exosuit and DEMA)