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Re: hello

>I detect another survey:  Who wants to go fast and far, and who wants to
>go slow with
>great visibility and manuverability?
>Martin Sanderse

I probably don't want to go fast or far (limits the technology necessary
for extended stays underwater), and I don't even need to see all that well.
Much of the trip for me is installing lots of cool-looking instrumentation
and buttons to push -- stuff I've gathered and planned out but never had
anyplace to install. This is why I might be firing dummy "torpedoes" before
I get around to making it actually submersible. Priorities. My sub is (is
going to be) at least 50/50, interactive sci-fi sculpture / unusual
recreational boat. Well, with a bit of "someplace to sit and escape summer
heat and mosquitoes thrown in."

Are others thinking more along the lines of ocean-going tiny subs, or are
there more than a couple of us expecting to be confusing tourists and
fisherpeople in local lakes?

 - David