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Re: hello

Gareth Block wrote:
> Hi to the group.
> I'm new here...I heard about this yesterday and figured I should drop a
> line.

Welcome!!!  Before this group I thought I was the only one interested.  There's more!


> the average Joe to tow behind his pickup.  Anyway, so I was going to ask
> about the use of carbon fiber (and composites) in making hulls.  Has
> anyone seen a successful use, and if so, who built it and for what
> purpose (deep diving, military, etc.)?

At the end of the day, for every cubic foot of water you displace with a sub you need to 
add 62.4 pounds to the sub to get it to sink.  We're stuck with the weight.

> I imagine that fiber reinforced materials with some internal support would
> lend themselves nicely to making sleek (commercially, aesthetically
> adaptable) crafts.  What do you guys think?

Good idea!  That would be fine if you wanted speed, but since most are interested in 
"poking around" slowly, with a high degree of manuverability, sleek subs are not 

	(my 2 cents worth anyhow)

I detect another survey:  Who wants to go fast and far, and who wants to go slow with 
great visibility and manuverability?

Martin Sanderse
I've got all the money I'll ever need - if I die by 4 o'clock.  (Henny Youngman)