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[PSUBS-MAILIST] UI 2011 Trip Report

Just back from the Marine Technology Society Underwater Intervention in New Orleans after a less than smooth return home. Two flight cancellations, four flight delays resulting in three hours waiting at airport in New Orleans and six hours waiting in Newark NJ. Got a flight to Boston because no flights to NH due to "lack of flight crew", so wife has to drive 1.5 hours to come get me in Boston. Finally home at 11:30pm after starting out in New Orleans at 7am. Thank you Continental Airlines for the wonderful day of travel. Next time I'll walk.

But back to submarines...met up with the following people (roughly in order of appearance):

Dan Lance, Vance Bradley, Mike Caudle, Pete Hoffman (all psubbers)
Andy Goldstein (psubber and engineer for VideoRay)
Phil Nuytten - Nuytco Research and psubs contributor
Will Kohnen - MTSMUV director
Scott Cassell - Sea Wolves, Undersea Voyager Project
Stockton Rush - Ocean Gate (new owner of Antipodes)
Karl Stanley - Idabel owner
Don Liberatore - JSL pilot
Dave McGee - International Sub Race coordinator
Brett Fullerton - Deep Submergence Systems, US NAVY
Ben Miller - Southwest Research Institute
BIRNS Penetrators
Trelleborg (syntactic foam products)
Hy-Lok (Valves and Fittings)
Fisk Marine Insurance
Analox Sensor Technology (O2/CO2 sensors)

Had a great time meeting up with Mike, Vance, Dan, Phil, Pete, and Andy again. It's always a pleasure to be in such great company. Thank you, gentlemen!

Talked to Scott Cassell in the exhibition hall for a while and brought each other up to date on various things. Scott joined us at the 2008 convention in Maine just before he officially began his Undersea Voyager Project. He said his K-250 (great white) is about 99% completed and he's hoping to use it this summer for some of his work. He has a new website at www.underseavoyagerproject.org and is looking for volunteers and financial support.

Stockton Rush is co-founder of Ocean Gate (opentheoceans.org) which purchased Antipodes (see www.subdb.info). We talked at length about various issues and he expressed interest in hosting a PSUBS convention in Seattle Washington some time. He also has a home built K-350. We agreed to stay in touch via email and see what we could work out.

Karl Stanley met a bunch of us standing around in the hall. I was hoping to talk to him but had to be somewhere else at that same time so only got to say hello. Vance did have a conversation with him and may be able to fill us in on anything new happening in Roatan. I wanted to invite Karl to dinner with us but didn't have his phone number and unfortunately didn't see him again after our initial hall meeting.

Don Liberatore is (was?) chief pilot for the Johnson Sea-Link at Harbor Branch. He helped set up our tour of Harbor Branch last August where we got to crawl inside and out of that historic vehicle. Really nice guy and they gave us a hell of a tour at Harbor Branch so I thanked him for that.

Dave McGee is an executive director of the International Submarine Races (www.isrsubrace.org) and unfortunately we did not have much time to talk since he approached me between presentations. Not sure if Alec Smyth might know Dave since Alec has attended many of those races. This years ISR race is the last week of June. I will be emailing Dave to find out more about his organization and to see if there is some way we can interact with each other.

Will Kohnen and I (with Vance and Dan participating) spoke about getting both groups (MTSMUV and PSUBS) involved with the SUBDB.INFO website as a unified database for the non-military submersible market. If we can work out an agreement, SUBDB.INFO ownership will be transferred to a separate non-profit entity with a board of directors containing representatives from both MTSMUV and PSUBS (to start with, and reps from other entities who financially support the website). We will create policies for the database that benefit all submersible groups in the industry and operate it accordingly. Will and I also agree to continue working with each other on other issues to the benefit of both groups.

Commercial Contacts

BIRNS is a supplier of penetrators and thru-hull electrical fittings. I had attempted a business relationship with these folks a few years ago but it just never got off the ground. While I'm more than happy with SUBCONN as a supplier, it would be nice to have another contact with different products. Talked to Miguel Camacho who assured me we should be able to get something going, so I will follow up with this and see where we get.

Trelleborg makes various products including supplying various grades of syntactic foam. I think we can easily start a relationship with these folks if anyone has a need for such material and making it yourself (http://www.psubs.org/design/PDF/SyntacticFoam.pdf) is not feasible. Nice people who seem like they would be eager to help us.

Hy-Lok (www.mvfprocesscontrols.com) manufactures stainless steel valves, fittings, and tubing which can be used for various air controls or other plumbing needs in our subs. I'll be following up with them to create an account so we have a resource for such things.

Fisk Marine Insurance provides P&I, Liability, and other types of insurance for among other things, submarines. I talked with these folks for a while trying to understand various scenarios that they would insure. While ABS certification will get you lower rates they do not require such certification. For a small recreational submarine, covering JUST liability, they estimated a rate of between $5k-10k (US) per year. The rate depends upon many factors, how deep, location, etc, but this may be a resource for those of you who need/want some level of insurance for you vessel while diving.

Analox Sensor Technology (www.analox.net) gave a presentation on their new O2/CO2 sensor ( http://www.analox.net/proddetail.php?productid=78&ref=19 ) which is compact, has multiple alarm capabilities, a software interface to set alarm points, and even provides data logging that you can download to a PC/MAC via USB. At $1500 suggested retail it's a high end unit compared to OxyCheq products, however it does combine analysis of two gases in the same unit and has a nice LED display as well as the previously mentioned functions. I did talk to their distributor and they showed me a retail price of $1250. It looks like we'll be able to set up an account with them and get a 30% discount for PSUB members. I'll be talking to the distributor this week and have more info after that.

In conclusion, UI 2011 was a good informative event that is worth attending if you can. From a PSUBS organization perspective it is a good opportunity for us to reach out into the commercial and research world and make connections we would not otherwise have available to us. It's also a great opportunity for us to demonstrate we are a responsible group and open to working with others. I'm looking forward to firming up some of the contacts made this year and if any of them listed above hold specific interest for you, contact me and let me know.


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